
ECON 250 Public Finance and Public Policy: Winter 2020

- Sections 01, 02

- Syllabus

- Piazza

- Box Resources

- Box Inbox

- Canvas Section 01

- Canvas Section 02

- Yuja

1) Chapter 16-01

2) Chapter 17-01

3) Chapter 21-01

4) Chapter 17-02

5) Chapter 17-03

6) Chapter 11-01

7) Chapter 11-02

8) School Vouchers Journal Articles Discussion

- Section 01

- Section 02

9) Chapter 11-03

10) Chapter 11-04

11) Professor Naven's Dissertation Discussion

- Human Capital Formation During Childhood and Adolescence: Evidence from School Quality and Postsecondary Success in California

- Within-School Heterogeneity in Quality: Do Schools Provide Equal Value Added to All Students?

- Current Estimated Curve = 7 percentage points

ECON 100 Introduction to Economics: Fall 2019

- Sections 03, 05

- Syllabus

- MindTap (course key: MTPNKCHNX3H3)

- Canvas Section 03

- Canvas Section 05

- Piazza